Mike Munter @mamunter Mike is the only remaining artist from the shops founding in 2014. Mike has been professionally tattooing since 2010. He is a well-rounded jack of all trades and can tackle almost anything you ask him to produce. Hours: By Appointment Only Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Phone Number (required) Tattoo Pigment (required) ColorBlack and Grey Tattoo Placement (required) NeckChestUpper BackLower BackTorsoRibsShoulderOuter BicepInner BicepOuter ForearmInner ForearmWristHandButtocksPelvisOuter ThighInner ThighKneeOuter CalfInner CalfShinAnkleFoot Tattoo Size (Approximate) Ping-pong Ball (1")Golf-Ball (2")Racket-Ball (3")Base-Ball (4")Soft-Ball (5")Soccer-Ball (8")Basket-Ball (10")Larger-Ball (12" or over) Tattoo Reference Additional Information A well-rounded jack of all trades